Tony Thurmond, Superintendent of Public Instruction, California Department of Education | California Department of Education
Tony Thurmond, Superintendent of Public Instruction, California Department of Education | California Department of Education
The grade with the second highest number of students was 12th grade, with 3,870 students, or 7.8% of the student body.
The school that had the highest number of kindergarten students in San Bernardino City Unified School District during the period was Roosevelt Elementary School, while Howard Inghram Elementary School had the fewest.
Overall, San Bernardino City Unified School District enrolled 49,301 students, ranking as the ninth highest enrolled district in California for the 2023-24 school year. It ranked eighth highest in the previous school year.
California's public schools face a growing financial crisis driven by declining enrollment and an increase in chronic absenteeism, both impacting the state's school funding model.
Enrollment, which peaked at 6.3 million students in the early 2000s, has steadily declined to under 6 million today, with projections indicating it could fall below 5.2 million by 2032. This trend is attributed to lower birth rates, slowed immigration, and families relocating out of state due to high housing costs. Rural and coastal districts have been particularly affected, facing tough decisions such as school closures and staffing reductions.
At the same time, chronic absenteeism has surged from 12% pre-pandemic to 25%, disproportionately impacting younger students and jeopardizing their long-term success.
School | Total Enrollment |
Alternative Learning Center | 49 |
Anderson | 73 |
Arrowhead Elementary School | 254 |
Arrowview Middle School | 922 |
Arroyo Valley High School | 2,730 |
Barton Elementary School | 505 |
Belvedere Elementary School | 564 |
Bing Wong Elementary School | 608 |
Bob Holcomb Elementary School | 585 |
Bradley Elementary School | 543 |
Cajon High School | 2,662 |
Captain Leland Norton Elementary School | 451 |
Cesar E. Chavez Middle School | 1,085 |
Cole Elementary School | 397 |
Colonel Joseph C. Rodriguez PREP Academy | 699 |
Curtis Middle School | 707 |
Cypress Elementary School | 496 |
Davidson Elementary School | 406 |
Del Rosa Elementary School | 592 |
Del Vallejo Middle School | 617 |
Dr. Mildred Dalton Henry Elementary School | 341 |
E. Neal Roberts Elementary School | 424 |
Emmerton Elementary School | 467 |
Fairfax Elementary School | 323 |
George Brown Jr. Elementary School | 781 |
Golden Valley Middle School | 757 |
Graciano Gomez Elementary School | 486 |
H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School | 329 |
Highland Pacific Elementary School | 263 |
Hillside Elementary School | 601 |
Howard Inghram Elementary School | 235 |
Hunt Elementary School | 528 |
Indian Springs High School | 1,829 |
Juanita Blakely Jones Elementary School | 407 |
Kendall Elementary School | 372 |
Kimbark Elementary School | 333 |
Lankershim Elementary School | 527 |
Lincoln Elementary School | 572 |
Lytle Creek Elementary School | 536 |
Manuel A. Salinas Creative Arts Elementary School | 422 |
Marshall Elementary School | 390 |
Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School | 589 |
Middle College High | 258 |
Monterey Elementary School | 345 |
Mt. Vernon Elementary School | 477 |
Muscoy Elementary School | 646 |
Newmark Elementary School | 398 |
North Park Elementary School | 514 |
North Verdemont Elementary School | 528 |
Oehl Elementary School | 464 |
Paakuma K-8 | 984 |
Pacific High School | 1,222 |
Palm Avenue Elementary School | 479 |
Parkside Elementary School | 524 |
Ramona-Alessandro Elementary School | 471 |
Richardson PREP HI Middle School | 595 |
Riley Elementary School | 472 |
Rio Vista Elementary School | 419 |
Roger Anton Elementary School | 615 |
Roosevelt Elementary School | 524 |
San Andreas High School | 452 |
San Bernardino High School | 1,475 |
San Gorgonio High School | 1,447 |
Serrano Middle School | 685 |
Shandin Hills Middle School | 768 |
Sierra High School | 474 |
Thompson Elementary School | 451 |
Urbita Elementary School | 390 |
Vermont Elementary School | 661 |
Warm Springs Elementary School | 492 |
Wilson Elementary School | 470 |
Yvonne Harmon | 10 |